Here is a list of scientific articles from the CrowdCul project and its team members:
- Dalla Chiesa, C., & Rykkja, A. (2024). Bridging the urban-digital divide: Crowdfunding as an online middleground space. City, Culture and Society, 37, 100580.
- Rykkja, A., Shneor, R., Maehle, N., & Munim, Z. H. (2024). Cultural Crowdfunding: Does Experience Matter?. Beta, 37(1), 1-18.
- Demattos Guimarães, A., Maehle, N., & Bonet, L. (2024). The relational forms of cultural-creative crowdfunding: A typology of practices through mapping platforms in Europe and Latin America. Poetics, 105, 101913.
- Shneor, R., Maehle, N., Munim, Z. H., & Rykkja, A. (2024). What drives crowdfunding intentions of artist-entrepreneurs?–Evidence from Norway. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14657503241282939.
- Bonet, L., & Rykkja, A. (2023). Why is managerial shared leadership in creative organizations a more resilient, transparent, open, and generous constellation? A case analysis approach. European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, 13, 12056.
- Shneor, Rotem; Ryu, Sunghan (2024). Digital Creative Entrepreneurship. Guide to Digital Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industry. ISBN: 978-1071909980. Sage Publications. 6. s 95 – 108.
- Munim, Z. H., Franken, G. B., & Rykkja, A. (2023). Norske folkefinansieringskampanjer–en analyse. Praktisk økonomi & finans, 39(4), 368-380.
- Rykkja, A., & Bonet, L. (2023). Adjudicación de fondos de contrapartida al micromecenazgo cultural por parte de los gobiernos: un análisi comparativo exploratorio de los casos español y sueco. Debats Revista de Cultura, Poder i Societat, 137 (1), 116-141.
- Udo, R., Nordgård, D., & van Teeffelen, L. (2023). Financing Preferences of Individual Entrepreneurs: Music Careers in the Spotlight. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 21(1).
- Demattos Guimarães, A., & Maehle, N. (2022). Evolution, trends, and narratives of cultural crowdfunding: the case of Norway. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29(7), 942–970.
- Rykkja, A., Maehle, N., Munim, Z. H., & Shneor, R. (2020). Crowdfunding in the Cultural Industries. In Advances in Crowdfunding (pp. 423-440). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Rykkja, A., Munim, Z. H., & Bonet, L. (2020). Varieties of cultural crowdfunding: The relationship between cultural production types and platform choice. Baltic Journal of Management, 15(2), 261-280.
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