Sunday, the 10th of October, the CROWDCUL had the first (amazing btw!) dinner together in Bergen – with some of the partners, as the informal kickoff of the first physical meeting of the project. On the next morning, all the partners came together, some meeting each other in person for the very first time, and with a lunch we officially started our meeting which had a busy schedule till after lunch on Wednesday 13th. During those days, we discussed some practicalities of the project, presented some of our ongoing work, and had very productive and fruitful writing workshops when we planned our upcoming articles. Surely, we also had joyful time with fine dinners and great food which the creative city of gastronomy has to offer. Bergen treated us very well, even with a cold sunny day on Tuesday. Our first meeting in person ended with all members feeling energized and excited to the prospects of our research project! Our next physical meeting will (hopefully) take place in Barcelona, in April. But till there, we have already a lot to work on, as decided in Bergen this October. So, stay tuned in our website to follow our work!
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